Friday, July 27, 2007

Houston (someting more positive!!)

1:30pm on our way to Ruston, LA. Myself, Keegan, Justin and Patrick. I must admit, I love the Buick, but it's nice to have my own seat in the van. Having my own seat gives me time to FINALLY post another blog. I had my moment to vent, but I'm adjusting to the change of becoming busy and in my line of work busy is very good!! I realize that now and I should be thankful; and I am.

Speaking of thankful, we had a great time at the Armadillo Palace last night. The crowd was great. I'm used to playing for an empty room or for a headliner's crowd, so it was almost stange (in a cool way) to have a good group of new faces there to see the show. On the other hand, that place is always slammed!! :)

Off to Ruston...


Kim said...


Please keep doing what you're doing. Your lyrics are full of soul and life, your voice is simply outstanding and always full of surprises. You can sing the same damn song seventeen different ways and yet I love every version.

Hearing you sing Soul Shine on my birthday was about as good as it gets. The fact that it was in College Station and on the North Gate of my alma mater made it an unforgettable evening.

Thanks for hanging in there like you do and keeping the impossible schedule.

dave said...

oh man who are you kiddin? i know you you're lovin it in the road. at the least its made for some great tunes. at the most you're just trading sleep for something to do at night other than.

tell justin and patrick i said hey, and we'll see you all in a month or so.